Sunday, March 22, 2015

J. George Noll

J. George Noll

The theme for Week 8 is generous ancestors or good land records story. I have been neglectful of investigating land records for my ancestors. I know that they can be a wealth of information and that I need to start exploring them more, I just haven't gotten around to them yet. I would like to think that I have generous ancestors, but I don't know any stories to illustrate this. 

I have decided to talk about my 4th great grandfather, J. George Noll because it appears that he was a well-respected member of his community. 

George Noll was born in Marborne, Germany in 1803.  I know that he came to America in 1834 thanks to this article published in the paper on the anniversary of 50 years in America published in the Fort Wayne Sentinel, 6 August 1884. 

I don't know much about George Noll. He and his wife Catherine were the parents of  four sons Martin, Alphonse, John (my 3rd great grandfather), and Frank. 

I choose George for this week's post because of the beautiful sentiments stated about him in his obituary. George Noll passed away on February 22, 1888 at the age of 85. I love that he was respected enough in his community for these things to be said about him. I know many obits are written by family but I am pretty sure this one was written by the paper itself. 

The Fort Wayne Sentinel, 22 February 1888, Page 4

Mr. Noll was a remarkable man...He enjoyed excellent health and not for a day was his vitality impaired...He was highly respected and was widely known among the old settlers of Fort Wayne and the county. His honorable life and stainless name won for him the esteem and good will of all his friends and acquaintances...The Sentinel feels sure the sympathy of the community will go out to them in their sore affliction.