One family's story of coming to America and eventually to Indiana and building a life and a legacy.
Thursday, January 1, 2015
A place to tell my stories.....
I have decided to convert this old blog from a fledgling genealogy service site to a personal family history blog.... I am terrible at blogging though. I never do that good of a job of keeping up with it. but I have a strong desire to share the stories I've been collected. Hopefully all of these stories will one day end up in a family history book, but until then, I hope this will help me start organizing some of these stories and give me a head start on my future book plans.
To kickstart this off in a big way... I'm taking up a Genealogy Challenge, called 52 Ancestors 52 Weeks. I am not really expecting that I'll be perfectly on top of this. Several weeks might come out at once... and I'm not ready for this week yet as I just decided to do this... hmmm... 15 minutes ago.... nevertheless here we go.
The Amy Johnson Crow, No Story Too Small has issued this challenge and is providing her readers/participants with optional weekly themes. January's themes are:
Week 1, Fresh start —An ancestor that had a fresh start or an ancestor that has been so confusing to research that you’d like to have a fresh start?
Week 2, King — January 8 is Elvis’ birthday. January 15 is the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. Do either of these “Kings” remind you of an ancestor? OR, do you have a connection to royalty? OR Did you ancestor flee from an oppressive king?
Week 3, Tough woman — Who is a tough, strong woman in your family tree? Or what woman has been tough to research?
Week 4, Closest to your birthday — Which ancestor has the birthday closest to yours?
Week 5, Plowing through — . What ancestor had a lot of struggles to plow through?
I'm going to have to give this some major thought about who I'd like to start with to kick this all off. Stay tuned....